4 Truths to Help Overcome Loneliness on the Mission Field
You’ve Been Hurt – Now What?
OK, everyone has a story of someone who hurt them. A friend, associate, church, spouse, or whatever, stabbing you in the back and digging the knife in deep. An ultimate betrayal. Right? When hurt, what can one do? Really? I find two main ways people tend to deal with offenders. They either DWELL and FAIL or GIVE and LIVE. Sometimes […]
Boon Family
“We are so thankful for the time that God allowed us to have with the Mingo’s. They encouraged us, challenged us, related to us, and listened to us in ways that gave hope and guidance. Don is gifted at asking questions, coaching, and providing unique insight from his experiences and from God’s Word. Kathy has […]
Looking at PTSD – from Surviving to Thriving
After twenty-two years in Africa while working with HIV-AIDS orphans and seeing some of the most horrendous stuff imaginable, a South African coworker, Dave, looked me in the eye and said, “Don, you are finished here. You are worn out, grounded down, and empty. Go back home to the United States. Go back home my […]
Dealing with Your Discouragement by Don Mingo
Dealing with Your Discouragement I try to be very astute at observing others. Latest observations bring me to a thought. Many people tend to think discouragingly. OK, I know I’m pushing the bounds of grammar a bit here. We don’t often make an adverb out of the words “encourage” or “discourage.” But, it well describes what […]
What a Dube Taught Me About Forgiveness – By Dr. D. J. Mingo
During our any years in South Africa, pleasure to know many Zulu people, one person stand out above all others. His name – Simon Dube. Simon taught me a lot about his culture, people, and language. My biggest lesson was on the topic of forgiveness. Simon often reminded me, “In anger a soul dies, only […]
Missionary Care – A Redirected Journey by Don Mingo
Article in the Baptist Bible Tribune – September 2016 “Pastor Don, there is a missionary who really needs to talk with you.” Usually, only urgent calls diverted attention from my Monday morning sermon prep. “Can’t it wait?” I agitatedly replied. My assistant pleaded, “Ah, no I don’t think so. Sounds like this missionary really needs […]
Cure for Missionary Frustration: Learn Gratitude!
Positive Psychology today is one of the newest branches of psychology, which stresses that one key to happiness is simply learning to appreciate what you already possess. This really is not a new development as Sophocles the ancient Greek playwright wrote, “Gratitude to gratitude always gives birth.” Another ancient writer wrote, “In everything give thanks . . […]
The High Cost of Missionary Service by Don Mingo
Recently, the horrible news of the murder of two American Missionaries, Harold Nichols and Randy Hentzel in Jamaica hit media outlets. Missionary abductions and murders are substantially on the increase. Last October, Roberta Edwards, a missionary in Haiti, was gunned down in Port-au-Prince sitting in her car on a residential street. Missionaries constantly put their lives at risk carrying […]
Why I Like MANNA Worldwide by Don Mingo
Last night I enjoyed the pleasure of hearing the founder of MANNA Worldwide speak. Bruce is a longtime friend; we go way back! In fact, it was our pleasure to start two MANNA Feeding Centers in South Africa. MANNA Worldwide has grown considerably since its humble beginnings just 15 years ago. It’s nothing short of […]