Dr. Jon Konnerup
Missions Director
Baptist Bible Fellowship International

Don & Kathy Mingo are STEP missionaries with the BBFI.

The Mingos were BBFI missionaries for 22 years and also served in the pastorate for 8 years. Don & Kathy have a genuine heart for missionaries and their ministries. As STEP missionaries they bring skills, training, and experience to assist the ministries of missionaries by teaching national leaders around the world.

Not only that, they desire to encourage our people by being a missionary to the missionaries. It is said that each year 5 percent of the worldwide missionary force returns home and resigns, yet 70 percent of these cases are preventable. As a support team, they are equipped to help our sending churches curb this trend and keep many of our frontline missionaries on the field.

The Mingo’s will be a key factor in supporting the ministries of missionaries and encouraging our missionaries. I highly recommend them to your church for financial and prayer support. Their ministry will be an enormous blessing to many of our people worldwide.

Lewis McClendon
Associate Director Missions BBFI
Past: Senior Pastor
Ventura Baptist Church
Ventura, California
1st Vice President
Baptist Bible Fellowship International

Don and Kathy Mingo are not new to Baptist Bible Fellowship International. They spent 22 years as BBFI missionaries to South Africa. They were great missionaries who built a great work in South Africa. The work took a toll on them; especially Don. They resigned and returned to the United States in 2006. Don needed counseling to deal with all he saw and went through in South Africa. After counseling, Don began working on certificates and classes in varying aspects of counseling to hone his skills. His list of degrees, certifications, practical counseling, and work experience are impressive.

God spoke to Don’s and Kathy’s hearts about putting their life experience and education to work for our BBFI missionaries. Our goal in BBFI is to reduce the number of missionaries coming home for preventable reasons. Don and Kathy will go a long way in helping us to reach that goal. As a STEP missionary Don and Kathy will be able to work with our missionaries at stressful times in their lives and as he says, “Helping Missionaries Serve Longer and Stronger.” I believe Don and Kathy are uniquely qualified to help our missionaries through the difficult days of life and keep more of our missionaries on the field.

I whole heartedly recommend Don and Kathy Mingo


Brent & Sheila Moeller
Baptist Bible Fellowship International
Missionaries / Social Workers
Durban, South Africa

Sheila and I heartily endorse Don and Kathy Mingo. Don and Kathy are uniquely qualified through their life experiences to be a great asset to all of us in the missionary family. We believe they are called by God to this new ministry of helping missionaries. God lifted them up out of their own great personal trials to help establish other missionaries going through similar circumstances. We cannot overemphasize what a great blessing a couple like this will be to the well-being of the missionary family of the BBFI.

We have known Don and Kathy since the days when they were one of the Senior Missionaries on the field when we arrived in South Africa back in 1991. We enjoy a continuing relationship with several of the churches they established many years ago. We know the same God who called them to the work here in South Africa, will now enable them to be a great asset for the “greater good” of our missionary family all over the world.


Mike Marcellus
Pastor, First Independent Baptist Church – Austin, Texas
Chairman, Texas Baptist Bible Fellowship

Don and Kathy Mingo and I go back nearly 35 years when we served on church staff together in Dallas. He has been faithful to the Lord all these years. Don is a man of Character and strong Personal Integrity. His ministry skills have been refined after 22 years on the mission field and 8 years of pastoring in Minnesota. His personal trauma and successful endurance of extreme emotional and psychological stress coupled with the professional training and certifications uniquely qualifies them for this counseling ministry. Our missionaries that reach out to the Mingo’s will find themselves in good hands. My confidence in Don and Kathy could not be stronger. I believe that our Fellowship will benefit greatly from their leadership, insights and nurturing in the recovery and revitalization process that our missionaries will experience.


Jerry Pelfrey
Pastor, Grace Baptist Church – Mason, Ohio
Representative, Ohio Baptist Bible Fellowship

Thank you for your visit and presentation to our Grace Missionaries and Leadership Team. I was not exaggerating when I told them at end of the session this was like a Bible college class today. In two hours, you were able with your God gifted wisdom and humble transparency, to challenge, encourage, and instruct us in sound Biblical principles with real life experience. It was very practical, very helpful, and worth every minute we had together. As for a pastor, you could imagine the joy I was feeling in knowing the people I care for deeply were hearing such clear and helpful information. Flattery is not appropriate for God’s people so when I say ‘well done’ it is stated in sincerity. I wish it were possible for every pastor to have this opportunity with his leadership team. 


Carrie Reichhartz
Founder of Operation Give Hope & CEO of Infinitely More
Lawyer & Author of “From Lawyer to Missionary: A Journey to Kenya and Back Again”

As a lawyer by training, small business owner, and nonprofit marketer/fundraiser I can analyze things pretty well on my own. I never felt the need for a coach. Boy was I wrong. In 20-minutes with Don at a local Starbucks my life direction changed. I was able to see ways in which I was keeping myself stuck in many areas of my life. Through all of his life experiences and training he knows the right questions to ask to get you thinking about your life in new and exciting ways. Then Don helps you build a plan and develop your life into what YOU want it to be, not what anyone else tells you it should be or being left with leftovers after totally exhausting yourself. Don saves you wasted time and energy and helps you to focus on a life worth living. Life will never be the same after my sessions with Don.

Pastor Walter & Denise Swaim
Abiding Life Baptist Fellowship
Past Missionaries to Argentina

Last Sunday, Don Mingo spoke, and it was tremendous for our people and missions. His wife, Kathy, is also a gifted in speaking and sharing her side of their struggles. Sunday evening, Don taught a 1 ½ hour workshop on how to care for your soul, mind, and body. He emphasized biblical practices and tools Jesus gives us to live His life through it all circumstances. It was practical, honest and encouraging. I would highly encourage you to allow them the privilege of ministering and serving your church and missionaries. The ministry God has given them through their experiences is being greatly used, and will only expand. All of us in ministry – and in our ministry – need this.