Looking at PTSD – from Surviving to Thriving
After twenty-two years in Africa while working with HIV-AIDS orphans and seeing some of the most horrendous stuff imaginable, a South African coworker, Dave, looked me in the eye and said, “Don, you are finished here. You are worn out, grounded down, and empty. Go back home to the United States. Go back home my […]
Dealing with Your Discouragement by Don Mingo
Dealing with Your Discouragement I try to be very astute at observing others. Latest observations bring me to a thought. Many people tend to think discouragingly. OK, I know I’m pushing the bounds of grammar a bit here. We don’t often make an adverb out of the words “encourage” or “discourage.” But, it well describes what […]
Missionary Loneliness – Benefits
Missionary Loneliness Just this week while meeting with several wonderful young missionaries, the troubling word “loneliness” surfaced. Having left her friends and family in the Midwest to live and serve in Africa, she begged the question, “What do I do with my loneliness?” Now that is quite a question; isn’t it? Missionary loneliness is […]